Remembering the good times

Time to reminisce. A throwback.
Well, to be honest I was trying to clear up my computer files because I have too little memery left on the hard drive and I came upon those pictures. They were made in... probably 2009/2010-ish. 
You know how we say that we get to appreciate the things we have only after we have lost them, well I get that feeling now. 
It is so wonderful to look at those pictures and notice the details, and each and every detail throws me back in time - it is amazing!

This picture below, for example, is of my room. 
I remebered how I found those nice meaningful pictures that I liked so I could cover the big window that opens to the stairs and makes you feel like you are a patient in a psychiatric ward.  
The cup with blue stipes on my table that I didn't like at first but with time I loved it! And the school planner that is right behind the cup, now I realize how comfortable it was to use it. 
Then there is all those art supplies that my parents got me: the paint and the palette and very-very good brushes that they got me! Also I see an album where I drew for my art classes. 
All the books that I loved. I am sorry and mortified to say that like Leonard Zelig (from the famous Woody Allen movie) I still haven't read the Moby Dick (there is a copy on my table).
And the table. Thank you, Judy, for that beautiful table! It was so comfortable!

Outside the apartment - beautiful trees in the fall.

And that is the most comfortable armchair that I have ever set my eyes (and butt) on! And you can see the gorgeous oak tree from the window. 



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“The gift of willingness is the only thing that stands between the quiet desperation of a disingenuous life and the actualization of unexpressed potential.” - Jim McDonald

«Я не то, что со мной случилось, я — то, чем я решил стать».

- Карл Густав Юнг

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